Corporate work permits in Spain

Whether your company wants to establish an office in Spain and relocate a whole team, or just wants to bring over a few salespersons to Spain, immigration issues should not get in the way of your business plan. Strong Abogados combines expertise in the establishment of foreign businesses in Spain with our top-notch immigration lawyers. We specialize in fast-track immigration to Spain, via investor visas and corporate visas (work permit and residency visa), achieving an extraordinary success rate for our clients.

Our corporate visa service helps established companies relocate employees to Spain. The corporate visa service includes:

For EU passport holders:

  • Application to obtain a Numero de Identificación de Extranjeros (NIE).
  • The Spanish Residence Card for relatives of EU passport holders (reagrupacion familiar).

For nationals of non-EU countries:

  • Work permit with the prospective employer.
  • Temporary work contract signed between foreign company and spanish company.
  • Temporary work permits for foreign personnel in the firm to realize a particular task in the Spanish office, such as work on an industrial installation or a long-term training program.

After the work permit is obtained, Strong Abogados can provide ongoing services, such as the following:

  • Obtain full citizenship in Spain.
  • Obtain papers for the family to come to Spain.
  • Change the type of work permit as need arises.
  • Handle the paperwork for any children born in Spain.
  • Obtain permits to return to the home country.

We perform regular monitoring on the status of the open applications of assignees. We are aware that effective business planning and budgeting require estimates of when key professionals can begin working in Spain, with all the permits required by fiscal and labour legislation.

Strong Abogados processes the entire application in-house, for reasons of confidentiality, and to avoid delays. We will also contact you regarding any forthcoming expiration dates of the visa permits of your personnel.

For our standard corporate visa services, Strong Abogados offers a flat fee structure.

Questions? We're here to help!

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