Internal Information and Whistleblower Protection System

In compliance with the Law 2/2023 of February 20, which regulates the protection of individuals reporting regulatory violations and combating corruption, we have implemented an Internal Information System that allows for anonymous communication of potential violations within our organization.

This system is accessible, confidential, and is designed to ensure proper follow-up and protection for whistleblowers. If you decide to file a report, you have the option to do so internally, through this channel, or externally, based on your preferences and the risks you consider.

Our goal is to manage all communications diligently and effectively, in order to halt any potential harmful consequences resulting from the investigated actions. Additionally, we have appointed a System Responsible, tasked with ensuring its proper functioning.

Guarantee of Anonymity

The law allows communications to be anonymous. The anonymity of the whistleblower is a fundamental principle, unless a national regulation provides for its disclosure or it is requested in the context of judicial proceedings. In such cases, the right to defense for the parties involved is guaranteed.

Protection of Whistleblowers

This system guarantees the protection of individuals who provide relevant information, in accordance with international and European regulations, such as the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Under this convention and European Union regulations, we protect both the identity of the whistleblower and the veracity of the reports submitted.

If you have information that you consider important, do not hesitate to use this channel to communicate it securely and confidentially.

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