Wealth visa in Spain

Our wealth visa service is for the individual who wants to immigrate to Spain and has sufficient funds to live in Spain without working.

The key to obtaining this type of visa rests on being able to prove that you have sufficient means to live in Spain, in one of two ways:

  • Showing that you receive a fixed monthly amount by some permanent means, such as from a trust fund or retirement pension. (A salary is not considered permanent, nor is interest received from a bank or mutual fund.)
  • Showing that you have maintained a high enough average balance in your bank account during at least a year. The documents you submit must show the bank account in your name.

Other documents required for this visa are a police clearance certificate and a medical certificate.

With a wealth visa, you may not be employed by a Spanish company -- that is, receive a Spanish payslip -- for the first year in Spain.

Family members of the visa holder may obtain derivative status that allows them to live and attend school in Spain. Visa extensions are generally unlimited as long as you can continue to show sufficient means.



Questions? We're here to help!

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Does the money need to be in a bank in Spain?

No. In showing that you have enough money to live on in Spain, the money may be in a financial institution in any country. What is important is that the account is in your name.

How long does the process take?

From the time the application is delivered to the Embassy to the time you receive the decision, it takes on average one month.

Is there a visa for professional athletes or artists?

Yes, There is a special work permit for the professional athlete or artist in public performances.

Call us at 932 155 393 or fill out the form below.