Tempo: your online account

We built our online software, Tempo, so you can get the information you need fast. When you and your accounting/payroll provider can both see the numbers and files, communications are better. An efficient high-tech flow of data means fewer errors and lower costs to you. At Strong Abogados, we are committed to a paperless office. Online files:

  • Business documents: company title, CIF, EU VAT registration, any title changes, social security registration, etc.
  • Payroll documents: payslips, TC1, TC2, employee altas and bajas.
  • Tax forms: All the tax forms we've ever filed for you.
  • Balance sheets: Balance sheets and Profit & Loss statements.
  • Our invoices: Includes a summary table where you can click to view any invoice.
  • Virtual office, property, and immigration documents, if you have hired these services.

Other features include:

  • Create a user with limited visibility, so your secretary can upload accounting documents, but not see everyone's payslip.
  • Modify your contacts to determine which employee receives payroll information, accounting information, and billing information.
  • Pass your accounting docs by spreadsheet or by online entry for rapid access to your invoices.
  • See sales and expense reports filtered by category or by company.
  • Download your documents at any time, and export online tables to a spreadsheet.
  • Receive optional reminders, and view documents explaining how the Spanish system works.

Questions? We're here to help!

Contact Us

Call us at 932 155 393 or fill out the form below.