Telecom registration in Spain

If your telecommunications company is planning to operate in Spain, the first step is to register your company with the Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones (CMT). This is the Commission in charge of regulating the industry in Spain.

Strong Abogados is a market leader in telecom registration. We will make sure that you gather the correct paperwork, depending on the country where your company is established.

As soon as you provide us with the requested company documents, we will register your company, and provide any follow-up services that you require.

For more information about CMT registration, please contact us.


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What is the CMT's role in Spain?

The Telecommunications Market Commission was created in 1996 as an independent Spanish regulatory agency for the telecommunications and audiovisual services market. The basic objectives of the CMT are to:

  • Establish and supervise of the specific obligations that must be obeyed by the telecom operators in Spain.
  • Promote competition in the audiovisual services market.
  • Settle conflicts between operators, and if necessary, to serve as an arbitration body.

Call us at 932 155 393 or fill out the form below.