Employer number in Spain

If your non-Spanish company would like to hire employees in Spain (whether they are Spanish citizens or not) and you will not establish a physical office in Spain, then the simple way is to register your foreign company in Spain to get a VAT number. Once this is done, the company can then receive an employer number at the social security office.

What do you need?

We will need:

  • Your company documents, translated into Spanish and stamped with the The Hague Apostille.
  • We will also need the passport of the company director(s) and a Power of Attorney so Strong Abogados can act as your representative in Spain.

What will I receive?

Once we receive these documents, we will perform two steps:

  • Register your foreign company as a non-resident company without permanent establishment in Spain. Your company will be assigned a non-resident tax ID.
  • Register your company with the Social Security office. Your company will be assigned a CCC number, the social security number for employers.

Later on, as the number of employees in Spain grows and you decide to create a physical office, then you can form a company and transfer your employees to the new company. It can be difficult for a non-resident company to obtain a Spanish bank account. Creating a resident company will make obtaining a bank account much easier.

Please read our guide to hiring employees in Spain.

Questions? We're here to help!

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