Skilled worker visa in Spain

The skilled worker visa, literally translated from Spanish as the visa for highly qualified professionals (permiso de residencia con visa para empleados altamente cualificados), allows for residence and work authorization in Spain for managers or high-end technicians.

The professional must have an employer who is willing to hire them. The employer files an initial application. Once this application is approved, it is included in the visa application of the highly skilled professional. The law stipulates three options for successful applications:

  • Large corporate employers
  • Business projects that are viewed as being "in the public interest"
  • Professionals with an advanced degree from a prestigious university

Note that this process is different from the situation where the professional is already working for the same employer in another country. In this case, see Corporate work permits.

Please request our visa proposal for highly skilled professionals. We will work with both the employer and the professional to get the process completed as quickly as possible.


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