Guide to the NIE number in Spain

The NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is the identification number in Spain for everyone who is not a Spanish citizen. It is the counterpart to a DNI for Spanish citizens. Both EU citizens and non-EU citizens get issued a NIE. The NIE is not a fiscal residency identification; you can have a NIE and be a fiscal resident in another country.

How do I get my NIE number in Spain

Follow these steps to obtain a NIE number:

  • Fill out the NIE application form (EX-15), and print. You can also obtain this form at any NIE office. You must fill out the form in Spanish, but for help in filling out this form, see the English version and French version. The marital status abbreviations are Single/Married/Widowed/Divorced/Separated (in that order).
  • Whether you are in Spain or not, an appointment at the Police Station or Oficina de Extranjeros must be scheduled in order to obtain the NIE number.

You can schedule an appointment here.

  • Choose the province most suitable for you.
  • Select Policía - Certificados y Asignación de NIE.
  • Fill out the website with your personal information.

NOTE: All scheduled appointments must be in the applicant’s name, so make sure to fill out the requested fields with the correct information.

CITA PREVIA during COVID-19 (April 2021):

Since COVID-19 began, all face-to-face procedures must be carried out by scheduling an appointment (cita previa). If you get the following message “En este momento no hay citas disponibles”, please read our FAQ.

Once you’ve scheduled the appointment, you must bring the following documents to the office:

  • The filled-out form
  • A supporting document (such as a notarised letter) showing why you need a NIE
  • A copy of your passport (all pages)
  • A passport photo
  • Approx. 12 € to pay Tax Form 790. (In Madrid, the police send you to a nearby gestor to fill out the Form 790.)

Note: The Spanish government revised the NIE application process in April, 2012.

Strong Abogados offers the following NIE services:

Assistance in filing the NIE form

We go with you to the local Oficina de Extranjeros (Barcelona and Santa Cruz de Tenerife only). We will receive your NIE number in our office in 15 to 30 days.

Assistance in applying for residency in Spain for EU citizens

We assist you in preparing the paperwork, including the EX-18 form. The following documents are necessary:

  • Spanish social security number or private medical insurance
  • Vida Laboral
  • If you have a spouse: a marriage certificate, translated and certified by a judge
  • If you have children: a Libro de Familia

Note that the NIE must include an address in Spain in order to receive the letter with the NIE certificate. You can use our firm's address if you hire our services to form an SL or any other service that allows us to represent you in Spain. Otherwise, we won't be able to receive the NIE certificate on your behalf.



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What does the NIE number look like?

The NIE consists of an 'X' or 'Y' followed by 7 or 8 digits then another letter.

Do I need a NIE number?

The NIE number is needed in order to file taxes, buy property, establish a business, open a bank account, and for almost all other forms you fill out. When forming a company, everyone who will be directors and shareholders of the company will need a NIE, as a result of the Fraud Prevention Act which came into force on February 2005. Getting a NIE is the first step in forming a company.

I am having trouble getting an appointment for my NIE. What can I do?

Are you trying to get an appointment (cita previa), but time and time again you get the following message "En este momento no hay citas disponibles"?

The reality about scheduling a cita previa in 2021: it has become difficult because the COVID measures taken by the government have decreased appointment availability.

The appointments are handled by the local police. Some cities have more appointment availability than others. In big cities, especially Barcelona and Madrid, the police are overwhelmed. Usually in smaller cities or towns, it will be easier to get a cita previa.

We believe there’s a black market taking advantage of this broken system to get appointments automatically through computer scripts and then selling the appointments. This is why the police now require you to have the appointment on your own name.

If you are looking for an appointment for a NIE, these are the solutions we have found:

  • If you can, find out when during the week that new appointments get loaded into the system, and try to get an appointment right at that time. In Barcelona, we have been informed that new appointments become available on Mondays and Tuesdays starting at 8am.
  • Look for an appointment in the nearest smaller city.
  • Try a different device (their website recognizes IP addresses).
  • Clear your browser cookies.

Call us at 932 155 393 or fill out the form below.