Land zoning report in Spain

If you are planning a new construction or a major renovation to your property, this report will let you know what limitations there are, given the zoning laws applicable to this land.



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What will appear on the report?

The report will include the following:

  • The classification of the land; whether it's urban, urbanizable, or not urbanizable.
  • Limitations on the scale of the project: how many square meters may be built, and how high it may be built.
  • All regulations regarding aesthetic aspects of the project, as well as construction materials used.

What land can I build on in Spain?

Spanish legislation classifies land as one of three types: suelo urbano, suelo urbanizable, and suelo rústico. This classification is listed in the Planes Generales de Ordenación Urbanística of each city. The possibilities of construction on each is very different.

Suelo Urbano: Land of this type has connections to the public networks of potable water, sewage, electricity, etc. The conditions regarding what type of construction can be done on this type of land depends on the regulations for each sector of the city.

Suelo Urbanizable: This land has the possibility of being reclassified as suelo urbano. For that to happen, a Plan Parcial must first be approved, followed by the approval and execution of a Proyecto de Urbanización.

Suelo Rústico: Land of this type may not be reclassified as suelo urbano. Construction is very restricted; normally only buildings relating to agriculture and livestock are permitted. A subclass called Suelo Especialmente Protegido, such as Natural Parks, has even more restrictive conditions.

What is the next step after I receive the report?

If the report says it's okay to build, then go ahead and hire an architect to develop the plan. The architect will submit the plan to the City Hall for approval. Once this is done, you will need to get a construction license (licencia de obra) and find a builder. We can help make sure you have found a good local architect.

Call us at 932 155 393 or fill out the form below.