Labour lawyer in Spain

Our labour lawyer is dedicated to resolving the conflict in your best interest, whether you are an employee or an employer. If you are an employer and you are planning to fire an employee, it is crucial in Spain to do it properly in order to avoid a hefty payment in court.

We offer the following services:

  • Representation of employees or employers, including attendance in trials.
  • General counsel regarding labour legislation, Social Security, and prevention of occupational risks.
  • Preparation of reports and drafting of records related to labour offenses.
  • Representation before a work inspection.
  • Representation before the Tribunal Laboral de Conciliación (TLC), or the Servicio de Mediación, Arbitraje, y Conciliación (SMAC).

Please contact us if you decide you need a labour lawyer.



Questions? We're here to help!

Contact Us

As an employer, do I need to pay to fire someone?

In a labour ruling in Spain, the burden of proof that the dismissal was justified (and therefore not improcedente) lies with the company. If it is not proven, then the judgement is usually in favor of the employee for 20 - 33 days' salary for each year worked (depending on the type of contract).

Call us at 932 155 393 or fill out the form below.