Investor visa in Spain

Our investor visa (or investment visa) service is for the individual who plans to have a business in Spain, and has funds available for investment purposes. Once completed, you will be the director of a company with those funds in backing capital. You may immediately start drawing on this capital in the implementation of your business.

The investor visa in Spain is available to those individuals who will invest in a new or already established business. Family members of the visa holder may obtain derivative status that allows them to live, work and attend school in Spain. Visa extensions are generally unlimited as long as the investment continues.

Applicants must have extensive documentation detailing the business plan, the amount of the investment, and calculation of jobs to be created. The visa application should describe how the proposed enterprise will benefit Spain.

Strong Abogados handles the procedure of obtaining the investor visa from start to finish. We work with you to develop a plan get your business up and running.

You can form a new company, buy an existing business, or bring an international franchise to Spain.

For more information regarding the investor visa for Spain, please contact us.

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