A guide to tax forms for freelancers in Spain

The more common forms (modelos) that need to be filed for a freelancer are:

  • Form 030: is filled by private individuals liable for tax payment to request the assignment of a tax identification number (NIF) when engaging in tax-related transactions.
  • Form 036: Registration of a freelancer or company before the tax office. This indicates to the tax office that thge person or company will be engaged in professional activities or pay wages subject to withholding.
  • Form 037: This is a simplified version of the Form 036 for those who fulfill certain requirements. This form is usually suitable for freelancers.
  • Form 100: The annual income tax form for individuals. See our personal taxes page for more information.
  • Form 130: Quarterly estimated tax payments for individuals.
  • Form 303: and Form 390: The same as for corporate.

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Guides to forms in Spain

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