Digital certificates in Spain

A digital certificate is an electronic encrypted document that allows public entities to identify people and companies when accessing a government website. It's also called an electronic signature or digital signature. Spain made the decision to use digital certificates for identification in 2003. In our opinion, this solution is overly complex, requiring a lot of technical knowledge. Other countries register a simple email address for tax office notifications.

This electronic document is a secure way to communicate with the Spanish tax office, social security and almost every other public entity you can think of, from the tax office to your local City Hall. Think of it as an electronic ID that allows you to appear before these authorities without actually being physically present, so you can carry out any process needed.

The digital certificate includes personal information about the user such as their address and ID number. It can even be linked to a bank account, so it's important to hand it over only to people you trust.


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Who can obtain a digital certificate?

Any Spanish citizen or foreign citizen with a DNI or NIE may request and obtain their digital certificate to sign and prove their identity safely before any public entity.

What are the advantages of having a digital certificate in Spain?

We would say one of the biggest advantages of having a digital certificate is to save time, money and unnecessary trips, especially during COVID-19 times.

It has become a main requirement for citizens to be in possession of a digital certificate in order to comply and appear before any public entity.

Even though having a digital certificate is not necessarily mandatory for everyone, there are some tax forms that can only be filed using a digital certificate.

These are some of the tasks that you can achieve with a digital certificate:

  • Get your social security number.
  • Register as a self-employed person.
  • File personal taxes.
  • Receive notices from the tax office.
  • Settle taxes and fees.
  • Apply for almost any immigration process.
  • Get your padrón (to declare where you reside).
  • File appeals and claims before the tax office.
  • Consultation of traffic fines.
  • Consultation and registration in the City Hall.
  • Electronic signature of documents and official forms.

How can I get a digital certificate in Spain?

This electronic signature can only be obtained by submitting your application on the website of FNMT (Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre). There is no cost to get it.

First of all, a special software is required in order to be able to begin the process of obtaining the digital certificate. This software can be downloaded through the FNMT's website.

Setting up your PC:

  • Go to the following website to download the software here.
  • Select the link “Área de Descarga de Configurador FNMT” (at the bottom).
  • Select your operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux).
  • A pop-up window will appear after downloading the file. Follow the instructions to install it on your computer. (Siguiente > acepto > Instalar > siguiente > terminar)

Now any of your browsers will be ready to request a digital certificate from FNMT.

Steps to request a digital certificate in Spain:

  • Request your digital certificate online at the FNMT's website.
  • Select the type of certificate you wish to obtain: Private Individual (for a natural person) or Certificate of representative (for companies).
  • Select “Obtener Certificado Software”
  • Select “Solicitar certificado” and input your NIE/DNI number, last name and email.
  • Select the link at the bottom of the application “Pulse aquí para consultar y aceptar las condiciones de expedición del certificado”.
  • Select “acepto las condiciones de expedición”.
  • Select “enviar petición”.
  • A pop-up window will appear asking you to set a password and confirm it. Click “aceptar”.
  • You will be sent a code to your email address.
  • Appear before the Spanish tax office/City Hall in order to prove your identity (you will be required to show them your ID and the code you previously received).
  • Download your digital certificate on the same PC that you requested it from. You will be required to input your NIE/DNI, last name and the code again.
  • Select “Pulse aquí para consultar y aceptar las condiciones de uso del certificado”.
  • Select “Acepto los términos y condiciones de uso”.
  • Select “Descargar certificado”.
  • A pop up window will appear, click “Aceptar”.
  • Your browser might ask you permission to allow it to use other applications (the previous software you downloaded).
  • A pop up window will appear asking you to input the password you created before (when requesting the digital certificate).
  • After the installation is complete, you are given the option to download it as an exportable file; a file manager window will open and you will only have to give it a name and press save. This is the best way to keep a copy on your computer since digital certificates are only downloaded and used through your prefered browser.

To ask for a company digital certificate the process is pretty much the same. The only two differences are:

  • When you are requesting it, you use your Company's information (NIF, name of the company).
  • When you are about to download it, you are asked to pay a fee.

What should I consider before requesting a digital certificate for the first time on my PC?

  • Download the FNMT's software.
  • Use your own personal computer if possible.
  • Do not format your PC between the application and the download process.
  • The entire process must be carried out from the same computer/user.
  • Supported browsers are: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari.

Do digital certificates in Spain expire?

Digital certificates in Spain have an expiration date depending on the type. If it’s a personal digital certificate, it expires within 4 years. If it's a company digital certificate, it expires in 2 years.

In both cases you can renew it once expired by following the same process above.

You can also renew before it expires by going to the FNMT’s website, selecting which type of certificate you would like to renew (personal/company) and clicking on the “Renovar” option. A pop-up will appear requesting you to access with your digital certificate.

Company's digital certificates can only be renewed using this method by renewing the administrator's own personal digital certificate.

Is there a difference between a company digital certificate and a personal digital certificate?

Yes, there are a few differences between a personal and a company digital certificate:

  • Personal digital certificates last 4 years. Company digital certificates can last from 2 to 4 years.
  • Personal digital certificates are free. Company digital certificates are between 16,94€ and 29,04€.
  • Personal digital certificates are not 100% mandatory (in most cases). Company digital certificates are.

What happens if I lose my digital certificate? Can I get a new one?

If you no longer have access to the same PC you requested and downloaded your digital certificate from, you can request a new digital certificate. The process is pretty much the same as if you were to ask for it for the first time. You will be issued a new digital certificate and the old one will be unavailable to use.

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