Customer support in Spain

Do you need local customer support in Spain for sales and service of your products? Do you want to set up a call center in Spain?

With our Customer Support Service, we provide our international clients with a comprehensive customer service package tailor-made to respond to the needs of each individual company.

We first analyze your needs in Spain according to the nature of your products and the profile of your customers, then develop a plan to match. You pay only for the support you need: whether that means a 40 hour-a-week help desk line and a few hours of customer support, or an active salesperson who pursues leads and sets up trade show booths in Spain. Once we establish a working relationship, we will provide regular feedback to fine-tune your level of support based on the dictates of the current market. Our goal is to make sure you get the best profit margin possible in Spain.

Here are some of the ways we can serve your business:

Customer support

We will provide your customers with a communication channel in Spain for any queries they may have, whether your customers speak Spanish, English, or French. If goods are delivered, we can provide your customers with up-to-date reporting on estimated delivery dates. We will develop a structured process of obtaining feedback from your customers on their experience and ways to improve the service.


Many of our clients have a global niche market, a specialty product that essentially sells itself. Some have come to us after stories such as this:

They made a deal with a man named Juan after meeting him at the last trade show. The company has limited means of verifying the added costs in Juan's invoices and the hours that Juan actually dedicates. Finally, the company ends the relationship after finding out that Juan is selling the competitor's product at the same time.

Based on the level of knowledge required for your products, together we can determine whether the sales representation you need can be performed by our in-house staff or whether you just need someone in Spain to monitor your existing sales staff.

Facilitating movement of goods in Spain

We will track the arrival dates of goods to Spain, get the goods through customs, fill in the required paperwork, and organize ongoing transport to the final destination.

Employee management

If your sales in Spain reach the level where you need a full-time employee, managing an overseas employee effectively can be difficult at best, especially if there's a language barrier. If the people in Spain with the knowledge you require do not speak English, we can help. We can perform interviews and filter candidates, and once hired, we will provide effective management controls to make sure the employee is performing up to your expectations.

Corporate setup and legal help in Spain

We further establish whether you need a business entity in Spain. If you have a website, we determine whether it meets Spanish regulations. Our goal at all times is to keep your costs low. Even if Spain is not your principal market, we want it to grow and be as profitable as possible for your business.

Please contact us for more information. Let our knowledge of Spain and the Spanish people work for your business.


Questions? We're here to help!

Contact Us

At what point do I need to form a business entity in Spain?

There are various circumstances under which you might need a business entity in Spain:

This business entity might take the form of a new company, a branch, or another type of non-resident entity.

Call us at 932 155 393 or fill out the form below.