Business valuations, internal audits

Our economists provide various auditing services for your business:

  • Business valuation: A complete business valuation whether for the purchase of a business or the sale of your business.
  • Internal audit: We review the work of your accountant to ensure full accuracy, simply for a periodic review, or so that you can then present your books to banks, potential investors, providers, and clients. We provide a full report for your accountant.

Our business valuation service in Spain

Whether you are negotiating the purchase of a business or the sale of your business, a thorough business valuation is a vital component of the process. Our valuation is backed by a report that analyzes the business from all angles. Once the analysis is done, we apply various methods of business valuation:

  • Substantial value: gross income, clear corrected assets, Substantial limited gross.
  • Mixed method: the assets of the company are valued statically and the quantification is added regarding what profits the company can generate in the future.
  • Methods based on the discount of flows: the future projections of the financial flows of the company saying are discounted to a rate that bears in mind the risk factor of the company.

If you are purchasing a business, we also perform the following:

  • We receive a report about the company from the mercantile register to make sure that the company has all its obligations fulfilled and up-to-date.
  • We request a Certificate of Good Standing from the Agencia Tributaria (Spain's tax agency) to make sure the company has paid all its taxes and has submitted all the necessary forms.
  • We check that all regional and local tax is paid.
  • We check that all utility bills and worker contracts for the company are in good order.
  • We review all business contracts, like rentals or service providers.

Questions? We're here to help!

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